第21部分(第4/4 頁)
玉濤先提到:“Mr Smith;we have already discussed before。Our company can fulfill your requirements。There is nothing with the price(史密斯先生,我們之前已經談過了,我們公司可以滿足您的條件,價錢方面沒有問題)。”
“Mr Smith(史密斯先生)!”古云飛輕輕停頓了一下,接著說,“As to the prize;we can provide 12 million yuan;which is the most we could give。But today we take a new product;its name is ‘Blessings from Clover’(價錢方面,我們最多能夠提供1200萬,但是今天我們帶來了一個新產品,它的名字叫四葉草的祝福)。”他說著把產品拿上桌。
“This is the survey report(這是它的市場調查報告)!”古云飛遞上了它。
史密斯先生簡單地翻了翻,說:“It has good prospects;but I‘m in bad need of cash。If you can‘t provide higher prize than Manager Yu;I‘ll think about him(產品前景看好,但我現在急需要的是現金。如果你們不能比玉總提供更高的價錢,我將會考慮他的意見)。”
玉濤補充了一句:“Our board chairman is very interesting with it。15 millon yuan!If you sell us ;we can sign the comtract for 15 millon yuan(我們的董事長對此很感興趣,1500萬!如果您賣給我們,我們可以以1500萬的價錢成交)!”他拿出事先準備好的合同遞給史密斯先生,只等他簽字。
“Is Mr Smith a businessman who only cares for money(史密斯先生是一個只看重錢的商人嗎)?”小嫻突然向他提問,“You spared no efforts to help us establish the company。Since it was born;you;Gu Yunfei ;I and every workers in Helthy Life Company for Organic foods have invested a lot of time and effort。
Everything is going well with it;why do you give it up nowdays(您曾經不遺餘力地幫助我們建立公司,自從它誕生以來,您,古云飛,我,包括康生有機食品公司的每一位員工都花費了大量的心血。現在公司執行勢頭正好,為什麼您要在這個時候放棄它)?”
她的目光轉向桌上的新產品,接著說道:“Our company recently develops the new product。Soon we‘ll bring it to the market。It is named with ‘Blessings from Clover’;that i