第27部分(第2/5 頁)
查= =),二則有些我不喜歡(例如非常常見的小狗或狗奴),三則有些手段痛覺太強烈(例如穿刺,例如24/7裡的烙印),如果寫夏景行喜歡痛覺那跟Fox重複,寫夏景行不喜歡痛覺則不應當用強痛覺手段,這跟邏輯有關,四則有些手段危險性高(例如24/7裡的拳交,例如原本我想寫的窒息),這文要是走科幻+玄幻風就無所謂了,既然走偽科普風,寫危險性高的手段有點……怕對讀者不好。寫窒息對我很簡單,鄭昱的人設是喜歡控制,夏景行的人設是喜歡被控制,這點跟窒息吻合,心理很容易把握寫起來沒難度(而且bl裡好像沒人寫過,還挺有新意),一直到首章發上來之前我還在考慮把最頂頭關於不會有窒息的話刪掉,在番外裡寫,但最終還是沒有這麼做,在番外改用了其他手段(要命的是跟24/7又有一點重)。寧可重了24/7也不寫窒息就是覺得它不安全,我不希望宣揚不安全的性行為。所以調教手段如果被覺得跟24/7類似,我也真沒辦法了,畢竟現在這樣的成品有很多原因。
Slave Contract。
1。 The slave agrees to obey and submit pletely to his Master in all ways。 There are no boundaries of place; time; or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of his Master。
2。 The slave also agrees that; once entered into the Slavery Contract; his body belongs to his Master; to be used as seen fit。
3。 All of the slave's possessions likewise belong to his Master; including all assets; finances; and material goods; to do with as He sees fit。
4。 The slave agrees to please his Master to the best of his ability; in that he now exists solely for the pleasure of his Master。
5。 The slave understands that all that he has; and all that he does; shall now move from right to privilege; granted only as He wishes; and only to the extent that He finds useful。
I have read and fully understand this Slavery Contract in its entirety。 I agree to give everything I own to my Master; and further accept His claim of ownership over my physical body; heart; soul; and mind。 I understand that I will be manded and tr