第28部分(第2/6 頁)
o the college mutual fund that was now building much faster。 In 1996; the mini…warehouse sold and he received a check for nearly 330;000 as proceeds from the sale which was again rolled into a new project that would now throw off over 3;000 a month in ine; again; going into the college mutual fund。 He is now very confident that his goal of 400;000 will be met easily; and it only took 7;000 to start and a little financial intelligence。 His children will be able to afford the education that they want and he will then use the underlying asset; wrapped in his C Corporation; to pay for his retirement。 As a result of this successful investment strategy he will be able to retire early。
Thank you for reading this book。 I hope it has provided some insights into utilizing the power of money to work for you。 Today; we need greater financial intelligence to simply survive。 The idea that it takes money to make money is the thinking of financially unsophisticated people。 It does not mean that they're not intelligent。 They have simply not learned the science of making money。
Money is only an idea。 If you want more money simply change your thinking。 Every self…made person started small with an idea; then turned it into something big。 The same applies with investing。 It takes only a few dollars to start and grow it into something big。 I meet so many people who spend their lives chasing the big deal; or trying to mass a lot of money to get into a big deal; but to me that is foolish。 Too often I have seen unsophisticated investors put their large nest egg into one deal and lose most of it rapidly。 They may have been good workers but they were not good investors。
Education and wisdom about money are important。 Start early。 Buy a book。 Go to a seminar。 Practice。 St