第2部分(第2/7 頁)
nary; and Scrabble the last three days。 Blair was extremely petitive; and it was exhausting simultaneously trying to win and to not appear like all she cared about was winning。
Maybe they should shake it up with some Truth or Dare。
“And guess who’s requested you on his team again?” Jason smirked; flashing Blair the trademark white…toothed Carlson smile。 “Our dad loves you!”
“Yay!” Blair replied encouragingly; mustering her enthusiasm。 She followed Pete through the wide arching hallway that led to the kitchen。 The whole house was a contradiction: The walls were rough wood; but the polished wood floors were covered in antique Turkish carpets。 In the kitchen; a large wood stove hunkered in the corner opposite two massive Sub…Zero refrigerators。 Several overstuffed yellow chairs sat in front of a large dormer window; each one containing a different member of the family。 Chappy; in a cream…colored cable…knit Aran Islands sweater; stood in front of the whole group; calling them to order。
“Scout!” he called gleefully as he spotted Blair and Pete。
“Hi; Mr。 Carlson。” Blair smiled warmly as Chappy clapped her on the shoulder。
“I already claimed you; so back off; boys;” he announced jovially to Pete’s brothers; who all smiled politely back at her; even though Everett didn’t bother to look up from his iPhone。 “I’m telling you; Scout; I don’t know how I’m going to manage without you next week;” Chappy continued。
“Oh; well; I’m sure we can play on the beach or something;” Blair said。 She blushed。 The phrase sounded totally inappropriate when she said it out loud。 “Play charades on the beach;” she clarified quickly。
“Yeah; but what’ll I do without my favorite teammate?” Chappy shook his head sorrowfully。 “No offense; Jane; but yo