第32部分(第4/7 頁)
pping her coffee mug between her hands。
“I was just thinking…” Serena began。 She wanted to apologize to Blair; to say she didn’t even remember why they’d gotten so mad at each other the previous winter; that she just wanted to go back to being friends again。 But she couldn’t find the words。
She didn’t need to。 “I know;” Blair said。 “Me too。”
It was still snowing heavily outside; but inside; it seemed the ice had finally thawed。
dinner for eight
“I thought Giles and I should show off our Proven?al cooking skills;” Harold announced as he set a heavy red Le Creuset casserole on the long; rough…hewn table in the fortable sunken dining room。 It had been snowing heavily all day with no signs of stopping; and Harold had insisted that Dan; Jenny; Serena; and Nate call their parents and stay at the Newport house until the storm let up。
Blair hadn’t minded—in fact; it had actually been kind of fun。 They’d all watched Gone With the Wind; played Boggle and Monopoly; and drunk way too much of Harold’s special mulled wine。 Dan kept excusing himself and Serena; either to make out or read in the library。 Nate and Chuck had kept them entertained with crazy stories about Deep Springs; while Jenny quietly looked on and giggled。 Now; even though it was only eight o’clock; everyone was exhausted and drunk。
“Lamb daube with red wine and olives;” Harold explained from the head of the table。 “I bet this is a far cry from dorm food。”
“Blair survives on jelly babies。” Chuck named the weird British candy that had been the only thing Blair liked about England before she and Chuck started dating。
“Shut up;” she said good…naturedly。 She’d spent the whole first month surviving on whatever she could find at the newsagent’s near her dorm be