第25部分(第1/7 頁)
“I’m actually deferred from Yale right now。” Serena sighed。 Instantly; her blue eyes seemed clouded by sadness。 “It’s sort of a long story。”
“You should go;” Dan said seriously。 Instantly; he felt like an idiot。 Why was he telling his dream girl to move hours way?
“Really?” Serena stared into her cup of watery beer。 She had been thinking a lot about going back to school; recently…。 And besides; it wasn’t like Blair was in charge of Yale。 If Serena wanted to go to Yale; she should go to Yale。 “Are you trying to get rid of me?” she asked; raising a playful eyebrow at Dan; who instantly reddened。
“No!” Dan protested。 “But there’s more to college than beer pong and a T…shirt。 I think you might like it。” Why had he been so nervous about meeting Serena? Sure; she was beautiful; but she was also goofy and fun and smart and sweet。
Serena smiled across the table。 She couldn’t remember the last time someone had listened to her—really listened。 “Well; if I do go to Yale; I’ll still e back and visit。 New Haven’s not far from the city; you know。”
“No; it’s not far at all。” Dan smiled back; sloshing his beer so a tiny dribble fell onto his blue Gap sweater。 But he didn’t care。 Serena was still beaming at him; and in her deep blue eyes was the promise of the future。 “I’d like that;” he said finally。
See what I mean about history ing back to haunt you?
if you don’t know who you’re sleeping with; who does?
“Shut up!” Blair screamed; hitting the wall by her headboard on her way from the minibar toward her bed。 She was on her fourth vodka soda refill and the couple in the room next door seemed to be on their fourth round of noisy; athletic sex。 Blair had had enough。 Even if they were on their honeymoon; didn’t they get tired? And