第26部分(第6/7 頁)
ress and Christian Louboutin over…the…knee boots; her hair pulled into a high bun。 She was utterly oblivious to the admiring glances shot her way; lost in her own little world。
The Star Lounge had never carded; so she’d been ing here since she was fifteen; when she used to meet Blair for a drink before going up to Chuck’s suite。 The lounge looked the same as always: black leather ottomans and couches surrounded the perimeter; and the walls were covered with shelves of flickering candles。 It was only Serena who’d changed。
Cue the Joni Mitchell sound track…。
She’d sat on her bed in her empty apartment last night; leafing through scripts her agent had sent along。 She could be a young woman looking for love in the city; she could be the beautiful former golden girl who gets sucked into a downward spiral of coke and vodka; she could be the love interest; a beautiful but vacuous blonde who was only the end goal; or; for a real change of pace; she could be the bitchy villain in a superhero movie; wearing a leather catsuit and a dark wig。
Serena didn’t want to be in any of those movies。 She didn’t want to be in any movies; period。 Sure; the press junkets; the swag; the glitz and glamour had been fun at first; but they’d quickly lost their appeal。 Instead; she’d thought a lot about what Dan Humphrey had said; about Columbia giving him the chance to think and learn and explore。 The more and more she thought about it; the more appealing college seemed。 Where else could she spend her time reading and growing up and figuring out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life?
Just this morning; she’d summoned her courage and made a call to the Yale admissions office; to let them know her deferral period was over。 Now she was officially in; ready t