第40部分(第6/7 頁)
to get her hopes up。 But now; her future spread out before her like a promising sunrise。 Instead of drifting from one production assistant job to another; she was going to be working on her own project in the place where film originated。 Which was way better than Iceland。
“Yes!” she yelled; her voice echoing down the stairwell。 She was so busy jumping up and down on the landing in glee; she didn’t even notice the sound of footsteps on the stairs。
“Are you working out or something?” Dan asked nervously as he reached the landing。 Although he and Vanessa were perfectly cordial toward each other; being roommates had its awkward moments; like the one time last spring Vanessa had burst into Dan’s bedroom to look for her old camera equipment; only to find Serena and Dan entwined on his bed。
Vanessa spontaneously threw her arms around Dan’s skinny waist。 “I got the fellowship! I’m going to Indonesia! I’m a fucking filmmaker for change!” she screamed into his ear; her voice echoing in the stairwell。 She felt Dan’s body stiffen and she immediately let go。 “Sorry;” she said sheepishly。
“No; congratulations!” Dan said; a smile crawling across his face。 “I’ve never seen you jump up and down like this。 What is it for?”
“Oh my God; I’m freaking out!” Vanessa exhaled and tried to pose herself。 She gripped the iron railing for support。 In her excitement; she’d forgotten that Dan would have no clue what she was talking about。 She hadn’t told anyone she’d applied。 And she and Dan hadn’t really talked much in the last year。
“I need some fresh air! e outside with me?” Vanessa asked; practically running down the winding staircase。 She threw open the front door and took big gulps of cold air。 “Woo…hoo!” she yelled into the night sky。
“Wait; so