第22部分(第1/7 頁)
Bitchfest at Barneys?
hey people!
everything old is new again
Maybe you dusted off your white Oscar de la Renta mencement dress and repurposed it for your angel costume this Halloween。 Maybe you stole a few of your mom’s vintage Pucci dresses from her closet over Thanksgiving and now wear them to cocktail parties。 Or maybe you just keep bringing up that story about how you used to be friends with Hollywood’s latest It Girl。
The point is; things that seemed same…old in high school take on a shiny newness in college。 That rule applies to the people in our lives; too。 Which is why I; for one; can’t say I’m surprised that S and N were spotted getting hot and heavy in a darkened corner of the Bass suite at the Tribeca Star on New Year’s Eve。 So why was N seen leaving S’s Perry Street abode at the ungodly hour of 9 a。m。 on New Year’s Day?
the walk of shame
N’s walk home reminds me: It’s time for a refresher course on graceful exits from overnight arrangements。 While it may not be on the official college syllabus; the walk of shame is a test everyone must plete at least once。 You’re practically guaranteed to run into someone you know。 So hold your head up high; and remind yourself that they’re strolling the campus at 8 a。m。 on a Sunday; too。
V and her boyfriend H having brunch at Egg; the inexplicably popular breakfast joint in Williamsburg; throwing around phrases like development exec and gross points。 Could V be making the move to the big time? And will any of us be invited to make cameo appearances? Better get ready for your close…up! S at Doma; the coffee shop near her apartment; reading The New Yorker and looking forlorn—until she flipped a page; and her face lit up。 Maybe poetry is good for the soul。