首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 決定孩子一生的五項特質 > 第6部分

第6部分(第5/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 魯魯修凌駕於諸天凹凸世界:雷震之女網遊之熟女陪我上青雲穿越戀歌:上官與夏侯【HP】布萊克家族莫名其妙的異世界冒險英雄聯盟之玩家對戰強勢文化手冊特種兵張霄回村搞大事,被女學霸懂不懂ADCarry的含金量穿越王者:聊天室裡的英雄傳奇四合院之剝奪一切暗區突圍之黑金指揮官當原神照進現實家養輔助投餵指南[電競]殺神快跑,你物件玩狙的在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世

him。 Spontaneity is more than ever the hall-mark of good speaking。 All these varied forces of activity require from the performer the mand of the best that is in him at a particular moment which may be fixed by circumstances utterly beyond his control。 It is not so with the author。 He need never appear in public until he is ready。 He can always realize the best that is in him。 He is not dependent upon his best moment in any one day。 He may group together the best moments of twenty days。 There is no excuse for him if he does not do his best。 Great is his opportunity;great also his responsibility。Someone—I forget who—has said: “Words are the only things which last for ever。” That is,to my mind,always a wonderful thought。 The most durable structures raised in stone by the strength of man,the mightiest monuments of his power,crumble into dust,while the words spoken with fleeting breath,the passing expression of the unstable fancies of his mind,endure not as echoes of the past,not as mere archaeological curiosities or venerable relics,but with a force and life as new and strong,and sometimes far stronger than when they were first spoken,and leaping across the gulf of three thousand years,they light the world for us today。


——王 飛

。 想看書來

特質四 會玩(1)


“玩”是一種忘我的狀態。我們經常可以看到孩子玩自己的玩具時,玩得廢寢忘食,玩得渾然忘我,乃至忘了整個世界;我們曾耳聞有的孩子在遊戲機旁幾日幾夜地沉浸到裡面,直到身體無法承受;我們也曾聽說牛頓在實驗室裡經常通宵達旦,需要助手提醒他吃飯和睡覺的時間;我們每個人都有自己的娛樂方式,它使自己能遊離出現實而得到極大的休息……這都是“玩”。 “玩”絕不是不認真,恰恰是一種全身心的投入。





貴女重生流年仕途沉浮 作者:莊無魚獨裁帝君親愛的損友江靈的另類人生