首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 決定孩子一生的五項特質 > 第6部分

第6部分(第3/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世CS2:變妹後站上世界之巔LOL,開掛的我,針對就有用?邊緣機械師奧特:命運之子波矮子的開掛人生鬼滅:繼國家的極惡之花寶可夢之命運的邂逅買下飛科,成為LPL守護神!王者榮耀戰鬥記錄冊寶可夢之暴君統治女扮男裝,被高冷千金倒追開局擊殺尹志平剛穿越就要滅世是怎麼回事末世:雙皇廢土求生提示來自50年後,叫我怎麼輸?末日遊戲:喪屍竟是自己

 power。 It is then, indeed, that I feel devoutly thankful to h*e been born fond of writing。 It is then; indeed, that I feel grateful to all the br*e and generous spirits who, in every age and in every land, h*e fought to establish the now unquestioned freedom of the pen。 。。

特質三 寫口(7)

And what a noble medium the English language is。 It is not possible to write a page without experiencing positive pleasure at the richness and variety, the flexibility and profoundness of our mother…tongue。 If an English writer cannot say what he has to say in English; and in simple English; you may depend upon it—it is probably not worth saying。What a pity it is that English is not more generally studied! I am not going to attack classical education。 No one who has the slightest pretension to literary tastes can be insensible to the attraction of Greece and Rome。But I confess our present educational system excites in my mind gr*e misgivings。I cannot believe that a system is good, or even reasonable, which thrusts upon reluctant and unprehending multitudes of treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few。 To the vast majority of boys who attend our public schools a classical education is from beginning to end on long useless; meaningless rigmarole。 If I am told that classes are the best preparation for the study of English; I reply that by far the greater number of students finish their education while this preparatory stage is still inplete and without deriving any of the benefits which are promised as its result。

And even of those who,without being great scholars,attain a certain general acquaintance with the ancient writers,can it really be said that they h*e also obtained the mastery of English?How many young gentlemen there are from the u

