第4部分(第1/5 頁)
而正使馬戛爾尼本人則遲遲才動筆,他的手稿很晚後才發現,於1908年出版了其中一部分,1962年才被全文整理出版(An Embassy to China。 Being the Journal kept by Lord Macartney during his embassy to the Emperor Ch'ien…lung 1793-1794&Lord Macartney's Observations on China)。
(STAUNTON; Sir George; Baronet; An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China; including Cursory Observations made; and Information Obtained; in Tr*elling through that Ancient Empire; and a Small Part of Chinese Tartary。 Together with a Relation of the Voyage Undertaken on the Occasion by His Majesty's Ship Lion; and the Ship Hindostan; in the East India pany's Service to the Yellow Sea; and the Gulf of Pekin; as well as of their Return to Europe; with Notices of the Several Places where they Stopped in their Way out and Home; Being the Islands of madeira; Tenerife; and St。 Jago; the Port of Rio de Janeiro in South America; the Islands of St。 Helena; Tristan d'Acunha; and Amsterdam; the Coasts of J*a; and Sumatra; the Nanka; W。 Bulmer, London; 1797)
《英使謁見乾隆紀實》為兩卷本,記錄了馬戛爾尼使團來華活動過程及見聞,鉅細不遺。全書共十七章,分兩卷,其中卷一(1~10章)記錄了使團離英赴華途中的航海情況及沿途見聞,涵蓋了南歐、非洲沿岸、大西洋和太平洋島嶼等地區。卷一的卷首為乾隆帝肖像,由隨團畫師亞歷山大(William Alexander)精心繪製,並有六幅插畫;卷二(11~17章)主要記述了使團在中國的活動,包括使團與清政府的外交往來,及作者對當時中國政治、文化、歷史、地理、生活方式和社會習俗的記錄。卷二的卷首有馬戛爾尼畫像,為使團另一名畫家希基(T。 Hickey)的手筆,並有21幅插圖,主要為亞歷山大作品的雕版。此外,書中還有四十四幅雕版地圖及插畫,也是亞歷山大的作品佔壓倒多數。這些圖畫以寫實主義手法,真實複製了乾隆時代中國社會的景觀。
該書於1796年先由倫敦Atlas公司出版;1797年再由倫敦W。 Bulmer 出版;1797年Stockdale公司出版皮卡迪利(Piccadilly)的剪輯本(輯本共十二章,其中1~8章是原書卷一的縮寫;9~12章是卷二的縮寫);1799年美國費城pbell公司也出版該書。
第三章 中英首次官方接觸(3)