第1部分(第4/4 頁)
uments on German Foreign Policy; 1918—45 Series D; 1937—45。 10vols。 (as of 1957)。 Washington: U。 S。 Department ofState。(Referredto as DGFP)Dokumente der deutschen Politik; 1933—40 Berlin;1935—43。Fuehrer L'onferences on Naval Affairs (mimeographed)。 London:British Admiralty; 1947。 (Relerred to as FCNA。 )Hitler e Mussolini—Lettere e documenti。 Milan : Rizzoli,1946。I Documenti diplomuticaitaliani。 Ottavo series ; 1935—39。 Rome : Libreriadella Stato; 1952— 53。 (Referred to as DDI。 )Le Lirre iaune Frawais。 Dorumentsdiplomatiqus; 1938—39 Parls; Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres。 (TheFrench Yellow Book。 )Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression。 10 vols。Washington : U。 S。 Government Printing Office; 1946。 (Referred to asNCA。 )Nazi—Soviet Relations,1939—41。 Documents from the Archivesof the German Foreign Office。 Washington : U。 S。 Department of State 。1948。 (Referred io as NSR。 )Official Documents concerning PolishGerman and Polish Soviet Rela…tions。 1933—39。London; 1939。 (The Polish White Book。 )1'earl llurbor; Attack。Hearings before the Joint mittee on the investigation of the PearlHarbor Attack。 39 vols。 Washingtoni U。 S。 Government Printing Office 。1946。Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy 。 3 vols 。 London : RoyalInstitute of International Affairs ; 1951—53。Spanish Government and the Axis; The。 Washington: U。 S。 StateDepart…ment ; 1946。 (Frorn the German Foreign Office papers。 )Trialof the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tri…bunal。42 vols。 Published at Nuremberg。 (Referred to as TMWC。)Trials of WarCriminals before the Nuremberg Military