第27部分(第5/7 頁)
ut ever intending to do so。 That suggested the unintentional code was probably a substitution code; with numbers for letters。 When I got the word breaks; I began to try and match numbers to letters by frequency analysis。 In frequency analysis you break down codes by using the fact that the most mon letter in English is 'e;' and the second most mon letter is 't;' and so on。 So I looked for the most mon numbers。 But I was impeded by the fact that even a short number sequence; such as two…three…two; might represent many code possibilities: two and three and two; twenty…three and two; two and thirtytwo; or two hundred and thirty…two。 Longer code sequences had many more possibilities。〃
Then; he said; he was sitting in front of the puter thinking about the spiral messages; and he suddenly looked at the keyboard。 〃I began to wonder what an alien intelligence would make of our keyboard; those rows of symbols on a device made to be pressed。 How confusing it must look to another kind of creature! Look here;〃 he said。 〃The letters on a regular keyboard go like this。〃 He held up his ''182'' pad。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
caps A S D F G H J K L ;
shift Z X C V B N M ; 。 ?
〃And then I imagined what the keyboard would look like as a spiral; since our creature seems to prefer spirals。 And I started numbering the keys in concentric circles。
〃It took a little experimentation; since the keys don't line up exactly; but finally I got it;〃 he said。 〃Look here: the numbers spiral out from the center。 G is one; B is two; H is three; Y is four; and so on。 See? It's like this。〃 He quickly penciled in numbers。
1 2 3 4 5 612 711 9 9 0
tab Q W E R13 T5 Y4 U10 1 O P
caps A S D14 F6 G1 H3 J9 K L ;
shift Z