第27部分(第3/7 頁)
ic knocking; a sort of thumping。 And the everpresent hum of the air handlers。
Beth was staring at him。 〃Seeing Edmunds die must have been hard for you。〃
〃It's funny;〃 Norman said。 〃I never made the connection; until right now。〃
〃Blocked it; I guess。 Want a Valium?〃
He smiled。 〃No。〃
〃You looked as if you were about to cry。〃
〃No。 I'm fine。〃 He stood up; stretched。 He went over to the medicine kit and closed the white lid; came back。
Beth said; 〃What do you think about these messages we're getting?〃
〃Beats me;〃 Norman said。 He sat down again。 〃Actually; I did have one crazy thought。 Do you suppose the messages and these animals we're seeing are related?〃
''180'' 〃I never thought about it until we started to get spiral messages。 Harry says it's because the thing…the famous it…believes we think in spirals。 But it's just as likely that it thinks in spirals and so it assumes we do; too。 The sphere is round; isn't it? And we've been seeing all these radially symmetrical animals。 Jellyfish; squid。〃
〃Nice idea;〃 Beth said; 〃except for the fact that squid aren't radially symmetrical。 An octopus is。 And; like an octopus; squid have a round circle of tentacles; but squid're bilaterally symmetrical; with a matching left and right side; the way we have。 And then there's the shrimps。〃
〃That's right; the shrimps。〃 Norman had forgotten about the shrimps。
〃I can't see a connection between the sphere and the animals;〃 Beth said。
They heard the thumping again; soft; rhythmic。 Sitting in his chair; Norman realized that he could feel the thumping as well; as a slight impact。 〃What is that; anyway?〃
〃I don't know。 Sounds like it's ing from outside。〃
He had started toward the p