第2部分(第1/7 頁)
〃You can mention that to Captain Barnes; sir。〃
They ducked through a door; moving out of the hot sun into a fluorescent…lit hallway。 It was much cooler。 〃Air conditioning hasn't gone out lately;〃 the officer said。 〃At least that's something。〃
〃Does the air conditioning go out often?〃
〃Only when it's hot。〃
Through another door; and into a large workroom: metal walls; racks of tools; acetylene torches spraying sparks as workmen hunched over metal pontoons and pieces of intricate machinery; cables snaking over the floor。 〃We do ROV repairs here;〃 the officer said; shouting over the din。 〃Most of the heavy work is done on the tenders。 We just do some of the electronics here。 We go this way; sir。〃
Through another door; down another corridor; and into a wide; low…ceilinged room crammed with video monitors。 A ''8'' half…dozen technicians sat in shadowy half…darkness before the color screens。 Norman paused to look。
〃This is where we monitor the ROV's;〃 the officer said。 〃We've got three or four robots down on the bottom at any given time。 Plus the MSB's and the FD's; of course。〃
Norman heard the crackle and hiss of radio munications; soft fragments of words he couldn't make out。 On one screen he saw a diver walking on the bottom。 The diver was standing in harsh artificial light; wearing a kind of suit Norman had never seen; heavy blue cloth and a brightyellow helmet sculpted in an odd shape。
Norman pointed to the screen。 〃How deep is he?〃
〃I don't know。 Thousand; twelve hundred feet; something like that。〃
〃And what have they found?〃
〃So far; just the big titanium fin。〃 The officer glanced around。 〃It doesn't read on any monitors now。 Bill; can you show Dr。 Johnson here the fin?〃
〃Sorry; sir;