第2部分(第1/4 頁)
例如表中有一欄要你詳細列出“Information about your residence and employment during the last five years”(過去五年內居住過的地方和工作情況)。這一欄內容看似簡單,實際上非常複雜,因為你必須列出你過去五年中的很多細節,比如每次出境日期以及長短。因為按照規定,持有綠卡五年以上的人,在這五年中必須在美居住滿兩年半以上,才有申請加入美國國籍的資格,而移民局會根據你所列出的日期來推算你是否達到了這一要求。
除此之外,“Information about your marital history”(婚史)也問得很詳盡,包括“How many times h*e you been married”(結婚次數),“Information about your spouse”(每個配偶的情況),如篇幅不足,還要另加紙(別笑,在美國結過好多次婚是很正常的)。這一項,也許是為了調查假結婚。
H*e you ever been declared legally inpetent or been confined to a mental institution with the last five years(在過去五年中是否進過精神病院或有精神毛病)?
H*e you ever advocated either directly or indirectly the overthrow of any government by force or violence(是否主張武力或暴力推翻過政府)?書包 網 。 想看書來
H*e you ever(是否有):
1。 Been a drunkard(酗酒)?
2。 Been a prostitute,or procured anyone for prostitution(賣淫拉皮條)?
3。 Sold or *uggled controlled substance,illegal drugs,or narcotics(販毒)?
4。 Married to more than one person at the same time(重婚)?
5。 Helped anyone enter or try to enter the United States illegally(走私人口)?
6。 Gambled illegally or received ine from illegal gambling(非法賭博或從非法賭博*利)?
7。 Failed to support your dependence or to pay alimony(不付贍養費)?
8。 Removed or deported from the United States(是否被驅逐過) ?
9。 Left the United States to *oid being drafted into the (是否曾離開美國以免服役)?
看到這些問題,幾乎所有人都會回答:沒有!我當然也不例外,這些要回答“Yes” 或者“No”的問答題,我閉著眼睛,全都回答:“No!”