第75部分(第1/7 頁)
herself to her feet。 Her left leg sent bolt after bolt of pain all the way up to
her hip。 Her face was ashy pale but set。 She leaped onto his back as his hand
closed over the shaft of the roque mallet。
〃Oh dear God!〃 she screamed to the Overlook's shadowy lobby; and buried the
kitchen knife in his lower back up to the handle。
He stiffened beneath her and then shrieked。 She thought she had never heard
such an awful sound in her whole life; it was as if the very boards and windows
and doors of the hotel had screamed。 It seemed to go on and on while he remained
board…stiff beneath her weight。 They were like a parlor charade of horse and
rider。 Except that the back of his red…and…black…checked flannel shirt was
growing darker; sodden; with spreading blood。
Then he collapsed forward on his face; bucking her off on her hurt side;
making her groan。
She lay breathing harshly for a time; unable to move。 She was an excruciating
throb of pain from one end to the other。 Every time she inhaled; something
stabbed viciously at her; and her neck was wet with blood from her grazed ear。
There was only the sound of her struggle to breathe; the wind; and the ticking
clock in the ballroom。
At last she forced herself to her feet and hobbled across to the stairway。
When she got there she clung to the newel post; head down; waves of faintness
washing over her。 When it had passed a little; she began to climb; using her
unhurt leg and pulling with her arms on the banister。 Once she looked up;
expecting to see Danny there; but the stairway was empty。
(Thank God he slept through it thank God thank God)
Six steps up she had to re