第11部分(第1/7 頁)
so horrible that she found the strength to scream again after she had thought
all screams were used up:
He has no face!
But of course there had been a face; Danny's own sweet face; and the caul that
had covered it at birth now resided in a small jar which she had kept; almost
shamefully。 She did not hold with old superstition; but she had kept the caul
nevertheless。 She did not hold with wives' tales; but the boy had been unusual
from the first。 She did not believe in second sight but —
Did Daddy have an accident? I dreamed Daddy had an accident。
Something had changed him。 She didn't believe it was just her getting ready to
ask for a divorce that had done it。 Something had happened before that morning。
Something that had happened while she slept uneasily。 Al Shockley said that
nothing had happened; nothing at all; but he had averted his eyes when he said
it; and if you believed faculty gossip; Al had also climbed aboard the fabled
Did Daddy have an accident?
Maybe a chance collision with fate; surely nothing much more concrete。 She had
read that day's paper and the next day's with a closer eye than usual; but she
saw nothing she could connect with Jack。 God help her; she had been looking for
a hit…and…run accident or a barroom brawl that had resulted in serious injuries
or 。。。 who knew? Who wanted to? But no policeman came to call; either to ask
questions or with a warrant empowering him to take paint scrapings from the WV's
bumpers。 Nothing。 Only her husband's one hundred and eighty degree change and
her son's sleepy question on waking:
Did Daddy have an accident? I dreamed 。。。
She had