第44部分(第1/7 頁)
office in Sidewinder。 She had no particular need to see further。 The present
crisis was more than enough to keep her occupied。
She crooned to Danny; rocking him on her breasts。 Her fingers; on his
shoulder; had noticed that his T…shirt was damp; but they had not bothered
reporting the information to her brain in more than a cursory way。 If it had
been reported; she might have remembered that Jack's hands; as he had hugged her
in the office and sobbed against her neck; bad been dry。 It might have given her
pause。 But her mind was still on other things。 The decision had to be made — to
approach Jack or not?
Actually it was not much of a decision。 There was nothing she could do alone;
not even carry Danny down to the office and call for help on the CB radio。 He
had suffered a great shock。 He ought to be taken out quickly before any
permanent damage could be done。 She refused to let herself believe that
permanent damage might already have been done。
And still she agonized over it; looking for another alternative。 She did not
want to put Danny back within Jack's reach。 She was aware now that she had made
one bad decision when she had gone against her feelings (and Danny's) and
allowed the snow to close them in 。。。 for Jack's sake。 Another bad decision
when she had shelved the idea of divorce。 Now she was nearly paralyzed by the
idea that she might be making another mistake; one she would regret every minute
of every day of the rest of her life。
There was not a gun in the place。 There were knives hanging from the
magnetized runners in the kitchen; but Jack was between her and them。
In her striving to make the righ