第1部分(第2/7 頁)
ct that Irene and her
mean; stingy; grubby…fingernailed old cronies were still the ones serving the food from the
cafeteria?s updated; nouvelle American menu。
Jenny wove her way through the clusters of girls in pleated navy blue; gray; or maroon wool
uniform skirts; picking at their wasabi…smoked tuna burgers and Red Bliss pommes frites and
chatting about the parties they?d been to this past weekend。 She slid her stainless steel tray onto
the empty round table that had been reserved for peer group A and sat down with her back to the
mirrored wall so she wouldn?t have to look at herself while she ate。 She couldn?t wait to find out
who her senior peer group leaders were going to be。 Supposedly the petition had been fierce;
since being a leader was a relatively painless way of showing colleges that you were still involved
in school activities even though your applications were already in。 It was like getting extra credit
for eating fries and talking about sex for fifty minutes。
Who wouldn?t want to do that?
?Hello; Ginny。? Blair Waldorf; the bitchiest; vainest girl in the entire senior class; or maybe the
entire world; slid her tray into the place across from Jenny and sat down。 She tucked a wavy lock
of dark brown shoulder…length hair behind her ear and muttered at her reflection in the wall of
mirrors。 ?I can?t wait for my haircut。? She glanced at Jenny; picked up her fork; and raked it
through the dollop of whipped cream on top of her chocolate angel food cake。 ?I?m one of the
leaders for peer group A。 Areyou in group A??
Jenny nodded; clutching the seat of her chair as she stared gloomily down at her plate of cold;
greasy fries。 Sh