第8部分(第5/7 頁)
r white Gap T…shirt off and dropped it on the floor;
crossing her arms over her breasts self…consciously。
?Which one do you want to try on first?? Elise asked; sorting through the plastic hangers that
Jenny had hastily snatched up with businesslike efficiency。 ?The lacy black one with the funky
clasp or the fy white cotton one with the extrawide straps??
?Just hand me the black one;? Jenny mumbled; reaching behind her to retrieve the bra。 She
unhooked the ugly beige supersupportive Bali bra she was wearing and let it fall to the floor;
fumbling with the black bra while trying to keep the insides of her elbows pressed against her
ribcage to cover herself。 The straps on the black bra were shortened all the way; and the clasp was
a strange gold metal contraption instead of the normal hook and eye。 Jenny glanced up to find
Elise watching her in the mirror。 The dressing room had mirrors on three sides; so it wasn?t like
Jenny was really achieving anything by turning her back。
?Want some help?? Elise took a step forward。
Jenny?s back was rigid。 She could pretty much forget about being modest。 Elise was going to see
her boobs no matter what。 She let her arms drop and turned around; full frontal。 ?Help me loosen
the straps?? she asked; trying to sound nonchalant。 She handed Elise the bra; her breasts hanging
in front of her like fully risen loaves of sourdough bread。 She had to admit it felt slightly liberating。
Slightly liberating and totally embarrassing。
Elise set to work adjusting the bra; not even trying to hide the fact that she was staring at Jenny?s
boobs at the same time。 ?Wow。 They reallyare big;? she observed。 ?How can you be so tiny an