第6部分(第1/7 頁)
Vanessa had been about to offer her services as a reader; but it didn?t sound like Dan wanted any
help。 ?Okay;? she said coolly。 ?Call me if you need anything or whatever。?
Dan flipped his collar up again and lit another cigarette; experimenting with his new look。 ?Oh;
wait。 I wanted to ask you something。 Rusty Klein invited me to this thing called Better Than
Naked。 ?The Better Than Naked show。? That?s what she said。 Do you know if that?s a band or
Better Than Naked was the antifashion fashion label that Vanessa?s older sister; Ruby; blew all
her gig money on。 Most of their clothes looked like old thrift…store rags that had been run over by
a fleet of street…cleaning machines; which was pletely intentional。 Very downtown ?fuck the
trends? fashion。
?It?s Fashion Week starting on Friday;? Vanessa explained。 ?It sounds like she?s inviting you to
the Better Than Naked runway show; which I only know about because Ruby is totally crazy about
their clothes and always watches the shows on the Metro Channel。 I don?t know why Rusty Klein
thinksyou would want to go; though。 What do you care about clothes? And it?ll be full of posers
and wanna…bes?you know; that whole vapid fashion scene。?
Dan looked thoughtful as he puffed on his cigarette。 ?I think I?m gonna check it out。? He
wouldn?t have cared if Rusty Klein had asked to meet him at a pro wrestling match。 This was
about building his writing career。
Filming Dan at the Better Than Naked show would have been perfect material for her film; but
Vanessa didn?t want to butt in if Dan was meeting someone as important as Rusty Klein at the
show。 ?Okay; Mr。 Hot Shit Poet。 Don?t forge