第21部分(第4/7 頁)
s notebook;
pretending to listen to what Mr。 Dube was saying about Vietnam and apathy。 School seemed so
lame and inconsequential when a big…time agent like Rusty Klein wanted to represent him; and an
obviously brilliant; intriguingly sexy poet had sent him those exquisitely astute Valentine?s Day
Then Dan remembered Vanessa and his hands began to tremble。 He hadn?t sent her anything for
Valentine?s Day? not that Vanessa was at all into such a ?mercial bullshit holiday;? as she
called it; but he hadn?t even called her。 Actually; his biggest problem was 。 。 。 he?d cheated on her。
And not just kissing cheating either。Cheating cheating。
It was all Mystery?s fault。 With her see…through slip and crooked yellow teeth she?d made him
feel like he was living inside of one of his poems; kissing a beguilingly odd girl he?d created at a
raucous; screwball party he?d invented。 He hadn?t been able to help but let his imagination run
amok; sending him stumbling across the snowy landscape to her ramshackle Chinatown studio
apartment and making love to her in all sorts of odd yogalike positions on her unfortable futon
bed as the sun was rising over the bleak; snow…covered city。 It was almost as if none of it had
actuallyhappened 。 It wasfiction 。
Except it wasn?t fiction。 He?d cheated。
Dan had been dreadfully hungover for the remainder of the weekend and too deeply mired in
existential guilt and self…loathing to answer Vanessa?s countless messages on his cell phone。
He flipped to the back of his history notebook。 What if he wrote Vanessa a poem and e…mailed it
to her during lunch next period? That would be more meaningful than f