第22部分(第3/7 頁)
o steal some pot from his older brother who was home visiting from
college; and now the four boys were huddled on a remote stoop on East End Avenue; taking a
break before gym class。
Nate blew on his bare hands and stuffed them into his cashmere…lined coat pockets。 ?I don?t
know。? He still felt pretty confused about it himself。 ?I guess I just wanted to call someone who
knew us both。 Someone I could trust。?
Jeremy shook his head。 ?Dude; that?s exactly what those rehab headshrinkerswant you to do。
They?ve got you programmed already。?
Nate thought about the way Georgie imitated Jackie?s corny psychobabble?all that stuff about
healing wounds and negative friendships。 It didn?t seem like Georgie had been programmed。 All
of a sudden he wondered if she was angry that he?d called Jackie; but it wasn?t like he could call
her and ask her。 She was now staying at Breakaway full time and wasn?t allowed to take any
phone calls; just in case one of her dealers called or something。 Hopefully Nate would still see her
in group。
?How long do you have to deal with that rehab bullshit anyway?? Charlie asked。 He reached for
the burning joint and took a hit。
?Six months;? Nate answered。 ?But at least I don?t have to live there。? The other boys intoned
bored and sympathetic sighs of disgust。 Nate didn?t say anything。 Although he?d never have
admitted it; he kind of liked going to rehab and meeting the different kids in group; especially
Georgie。 He?d be sort of sad when it was over。
??Ere;? Charlie said; passing Nate the joint。
Nate looked at it and shook his head。 ?No thanks;? he murmured under his breath。 There was a
crushed red paper heart