第14部分(第6/7 頁)
to grab a light from a lucky dude wearing a fur vest; and then pranced away
again; shaking her hips to the music and puffing away as she waited for the bidding to go up。
?A thousand dollars!? the dude wearing the fur vest shouted。 He?d gotten close enough to Serena
to know that it was worth it。
Serena threw her arms in the air and whooped loudly; daring someone to take the bidding to new
heights。 As much as she hated to admit it; she didn?t even mind that Aaron hadn?t turned up。 She
might have loved him; but she was having a kick…ass time without him。
ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02
Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。
hey people!
Early rejection
So I heard the Ivies have e up with a conspiracy to maintain their intrigue and exclusivity:
This year they?re not acceptinganyone early。 Maybe it?s only a false rumor。 But if you don?t get
in early; try to think of it this way: Maybe you weretoo perfect。 They just couldn?t handle it。 And
just think how much fun we?ll have if we all wind up at the same munity college!
To surgically enhance or not; that is the question
The idea of surgically altering one?s body in any way has always freaked me out; not because I
don?t think Dolly Parton looks great。 She doesn?t look a day over forty and she must be two
hundred by now。 But I?d be worried the doctors would make a mistake and deflate one breast
entirely or leave out a nostril or something。 Of course I?m as girly a girl as girls e; and I know
how important it is to