第17部分(第4/7 頁)
m here; while it was still good?
Owen was breathing deeply now and had stopped rubbing her back。 As soon as Blair was sure he
was asleep; she?d slip out the door and ask the concierge downstairs to call her a car home。 After
all; she had a reputation to maintain。 And it wasn?t like she was ditching him。
The best way to keep a guy intrigued is to disappear。
some girls have all the fun
?Snowball fight!? Serena cried at the top of her lungs to no one in particular。 She?d been dancing
with a pack of tipsy; half…naked Les Best models and her blond mane was matted to the back of
her neck; creating a sort of unidreadlock; beach hair effect。 She?d been relieved of her I
LOVEAARONT…shirt for a cool four thousand bucks by her old friend Guy Reed from the Les
Best boutique and was now wearing only a hot pink La Perla demibra that looked like a bikini top。
?Snow volleyball!? a guy shouted back even louder。 He was dressed in a black ski suit from the
Les Best ski line; black fur boots; and a pair of black fur earmuffs clung to his ears。 He pointed out
the huge bar windows to where a volleyball net had been set up outside on the snowy sidewalk。
In a matter of seconds the entire roomful of writhing; sweaty bodies attacked the coat closet;
pulling on the nearest Fendi sheepskin or goose…down Gucci parka to protect their skinny bodies
from the cold before they dashed outside to frolic in the snow。
Serena giggled as she slipped into a beige fleece…lined down parka with a beaver fur?trimmed
hood that would have fit a giant Eskimo。 In the last two hours she?d drunk more champagne than
she had on New Year?s Eve and she felt giddy and warm all over。 Before she