第1部分(第3/5 頁)
目 錄
前 言 1
譯者序 3
第一章 高效說話的強力法則 1
(Part One Fundamentals of Effective Speaking)
第一節 高效說話的基本技巧 2
(Acquiring the Basic Skills)
法則1 從他人的經&;not;驗中汲取自信 4
(Take Heart From the Experience of Others)
法則2 時刻不忘交談的目標 8
(Keep Your Goal Before You)
法則3 對成功溝通充滿信心 11
(Predetermine Your Mind to Success)
法則4 抓住一切機會練習說話 13
(Seize Every Opportunity to Practice)
第二節 培養當眾講話的信心 15
(Developing Confidence)
法則5 瞭解害怕當眾講話的實情 16
(Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public)
法則6 以適當方式準備演講 18
(Prepare in the Proper Way)
法則7 增強信心的三個法則 23
(Predetermine Your Mind to Success)
法則8 充滿自信地行動 24
(Act Confident)
第三節 高效說話的捷徑 27
(Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way)
法則9 說自己經&;not;歷過或熟悉的事情 28
(Speak About Something You Have Earned the Right to Talk About Through Experience or Study)
法則10 對題材充滿熱忱 33
(Be Sure You Are Excited About Your Subject)
法則11 激起聽眾的共鳴 35
(Be Eager to Share Your Talk With Your Listeners)
第二章 演講、演講者及聽眾 37
(Part Two Speech Speaker and Audience)
第一節 怎樣準備演講 38
(Earning the Right to Talk)
法則12 緊扣主題展開演講 39
(Limit Your Subject)
法則13 演講前的準備要充分 40
(Develop Reserve Power)
法則14 用例證豐富演講 42
(Fill Your Talk With Illustrations and Examples)
法則15 利用人們熟悉的、具體的語言 48
(Use Concrete Familiar Words That Create Pictures)
第二節 賦予講演生命力 56
(Vitalizing the Talk)
法則16 選擇自己熱衷的話題 57