首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 這些道理沒有人告訴過你 > 第30部分

第30部分(第1/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世CS2:變妹後站上世界之巔LOL,開掛的我,針對就有用?邊緣機械師奧特:命運之子波矮子的開掛人生鬼滅:繼國家的極惡之花寶可夢之命運的邂逅買下飛科,成為LPL守護神!王者榮耀戰鬥記錄冊寶可夢之暴君統治女扮男裝,被高冷千金倒追開局擊殺尹志平剛穿越就要滅世是怎麼回事末世:雙皇廢土求生提示來自50年後,叫我怎麼輸?末日遊戲:喪屍竟是自己

a sales manager。 You know during the past three years I worked my way up from sales rep to sales team leader; and I've felt that both positions have their own attractions。 So; in five years; I would be happy to be head of sales at a pany; or; if I can be a team leader in such a huge pany like Siemens; that would be even better。

點評2: 在小公司裡, 要一個高職位往往很容易。如果是在大公司求職, 你可以儘量淡化對高職位的嚮往, 而強調對工作內容本身的追求。

33。 What will you do to achieve your career goals? 為達到職業目標你會做什麼?

問題分析: 在這個問題上, 面試官要捕捉的資訊點有兩個: 第一, 你為實現目標而要採取的措施是否非常合乎實際?第二, 你所申請的這份工作, 能否給你機會讓你去一步一步實現自己的職業理想?

回答示範1: To achieve my career goals; I think performance is the answer。 If I perform well in the current position; I would naturally win the trust of the management team and move on to the next step of my career path。 So; what I’ll do is to work hard; and achieve good results at my job。

點評1: 說得很對, 把本職工作做好了, 升職機會自然就來了。任何單位都喜歡這樣腳踏實地的人。

第七節 外企面試最常見的36個英文問題(22)

回答示範2: My long term career goal requires a wide range of skills。 What I’ll do is to keep improving myself; at work and through self…training outside work。 As a matter of fact; I’ve already started。 I’ve enrolled in a two…month English training program in New Oriental because I know English is important for my job。

點評2: 這個答案很精彩, 除了列舉了未來會做什麼, 更為動人的是說自己已經開始行動了!

34。 What are your salary expectations for this position? Starting salary? Salary in five years? 你期望的薪資是多少?你希望五年以後你的薪資是多少?

問題分析: 必問的問題。

回答示範1: I expect to have a salary between 4;000 and 5;000 as this is the average salary the students of our school can get。 But we can negotiate that。 As a new graduate I care about career development opportunities more than the starting salary。 As to the salary in five years; frankly speaking; I haven't even 
