首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 這些道理沒有人告訴過你 > 第36部分

第36部分(第1/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 遊戲降臨:變妹的我覺醒雙S天賦網遊:開局吞噬神級巨龍靈魂親親親親親親親親親親親親親老婆末日廢土:第四天災我在遊戲森林靠系統求生存刪號回村後,我好像變壞了網遊:我一精神病有點關係怎麼了地球online:我竟是NPC開局sss:我在求生海洋爭物資全民轉職,開局召喚半獸統領率土:這個盟主有億些小錢神明拼圖:成為諸天最強亡靈法師足球:一個普通球迷,他殺穿德甲長相思之滄海月明同心醉我這麼老實,怎麼可能毀副本呢?崩壞:我的青梅是梅比烏斯年代:從農村到四合院詭海求生:從先用後付到源海終主網遊之神罰騎士第五人格:對囚上隱

ing? Grammar? Writing?

iii。 Decide on the steps to take:

* Administer a questionnaire to find out the weak points of the students' English abilities。

* Work out some activities with teachers to improve the weak points。

* Administer another questionnaire to evaluate the popularity of our activities and choose the top 3 to launch。

* Launch the top 3 activities。

(5) (Result) The Top 3 activities…Fun Vocabulary Recitation; Friends Mock Show; Devil English Corner…proved highly successful; and we hosted double the number students in our later activities。

第十節 以“What…S。T。A。R。…Key Words陳述法”(8)

4。 Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others。 描述一個例子, 證明你用事實去說服別人。

點評: 考查意圖: 以事實說服他人的能力。關鍵詞: facts; secure agreements。所以, 你的描述應該非常直截了當, 先把大家的不同意見列出來, 以及他人為什麼不同意; 然後逐條以事實進行說服。


(1) (What) I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with the English association in a neighboring university。

(2) (Situation) When I was a member of the English association in our university; I realized that the activities we organized lacked uniqueness and couldn't effectively help the students improve their English。 Our neighboring university is just a five…minute walk away from us。

(3) (Task) I proposed the idea to the President of the Association that we found an English Garden in cooperation with the English association in the neighboring university。

(4) (Actions)

i。 (Key Words: disagreement) The disagreements I met included:

* our school authority may dissent。

* The high cost; and we didn't have enough human resources to carry out this project。

* There were too many English corners; another one was unnecessa
