第33部分(第1/7 頁)
ersonages in the silk; and thus they lowered them down near the boat。 Then Li Yue took up his position in the prow leaning on his sword。 Fu De carried the Empress on his back into the boat。
The boat was too small to carry everybody; and those unable to get on board clung to the cable; but Li Yue cut them down; and they fell into the water。 They ferried over the Emperor and then sent back the boat for the others。 There was a great scramble to get on board; and they had to chop off the fingers and hands of those who persisted in clinging to the boat。 The lamentation rose to the heavens。
When they mustered on the farther bank; many were missing; only a dozen of the Emperor's suite were left。 Yang Feng found a bullock cart and transported the Emperor and Empress to Dayang。 They had no food and at night sought shelter in a poor; tile…roofed house。 The cottagers gave them some boiled millet but it was too coarse to be swallowed。
Next day the Emperor conferred titles on those who had protected him。 Li Yue was made General Who Conquers the North; and Han Xian was appointed General Who Conquers the East。
The flight continued。 Soon two officers of rank came up with the cortege; and they bowed before His Majesty with many tears。 They were Imperial Guardian Yang Biao and Minister Han Rong。 The Emperor and Empress lifted up their voices and wept with them。
Said Han Rong to his colleague; 〃The rebels have confidence in my words。 You stay as guard of the Emperor; and I will take my life in my hands and try to bring about peace。〃
After Han Rong had gone; the Emperor rested for a time in Yang Feng's camp。 But Yang Biao requested the Emperor to head for Anyi and make the capital there。 When the train reached the town; they found it containing