第78部分(第5/7 頁)
t was forced into a narrow space in the hills where he was hemmed in。 While seeking for some outlet; they saw Guan Yu; Guan Ping; and Zhou Cang; with three hundred men; ing along。 Soon Zhang He was driven off; and then Liu Bei's troops came out of the narrow defile and occupied a strong position among the hills where they made a camp。
Liu Bei sent Guan Yu for news of the missing brother。 Zhang Fei had been attacked by Xiahou Yuan who had killed Gong Du; but Zhange Fei had vigorously resisted; beaten him off; and followed him up。 Then Yue Jing had e along and surrounded Zhang Fei。
In this pass he was found by Guan Yu; who had heard of his plight from some of his scattered soldiers met on the way。 Now they drove off the enemy。 The two brothers returned。 Soon they heard of the approach of a large body of Cao Cao's army。 Liu Bei then bade Sun Qian guard his family and sent him on ahead; while he and the others kept off the enemy; sometimes giving battle and anon marching。 Seeing that Liu Bei had retired too far; Cao Cao let him go and left the pursuit。
When Liu Bei collected his army; he found they numbered only a thousand; and this halting and broken force marched as fast as possible to the west。 ing to a river they asked the natives its name and were told it was the Han River; and near it Liu Bei made a temporary camp。 When the local people found out who was in the camp; they presented flesh and wine。
A feast was given upon a sandy bank of the Han River。
After they had drunk awhile; Liu Bei addressed his faithful followers; saying; 〃All you; Fair Sirs; have talents fitting you to be advisers to a monarch; but your destiny has led you to follow poor me。 My fate is distressful and full of misery。 Today I have not a spot to call my own; and