第101部分(第3/7 頁)
you forgotten the circumstances under which your brother Guan Yu had to slay Cai Yang to ease your doubts of him? Zhao Yun's absence is due to good reason wherever he has gone; and he would never abandon me。〃
But Zhang Fei was not convinced。 Then he; with a score of his men; rode to the Long Slope Bridge。 Seeing a wood near the bridge; an idea suddenly struck him。 He bade his followers cut branches from the trees; tie them to the tails of the horses; and ride to and fro so as to raise a great dust as though an army were concealed in the wood。 He himself took up his station on the bridge facing the west with spear set ready for action。 So he kept watch。
Now Zhao Yun; after fighting with the enemy from the fourth watch till daylight; could see no sign of his lord and; moreover; had lost his lord's family。
He thought bitterly within himself; 〃My master confided to me his family and the child lord Liu Shan; and I have lost them。 How can I look him in the face? I can only go now and fight to the death。 Whatever happen; I must go to seek the women and my lord's son。〃
Turning about he found he had but some forty followers left。 He rode quickly to and fro among the scattered soldiers seeking the lost women。 The lamentations of the people about him were enough to make heaven and earth weep。 Some had been wounded by arrows; others by spears; they had thrown away their children; abandoned their wives; and were flying they knew not whither in crowds。
Presently Zhao Yun saw a man lying in the grass and recognized him as Jian Yong。
〃Have you seen the two mothers?〃 cried he。
Jian Yong replied; 〃They left their carriage and ran away taking the child lord Liu Shan in their arms。 I followed but on the slope of the hill I was wounded and fe