第274部分(第2/7 頁)
Deng Ai called his son Deng Zhong and Shi Zuan and sent them with ten thousand troops each to attack the left camp; one on each flank。 Then he sent Zheng Lun and five hundred troops into the underground road; which opened in rear of the camp of Wang Han and Jiang Bin。
As the newly made camp was not yet well fortified; Wang Han and Jiang Bin exercised great care and kept their troops under arms all night; watching with vigilance。 So when the alarm was given; they had but to seize their weapons and go out。 But as the two leaders were mounting their steeds; Deng Zhong and Shi Zuan had attacked from without; and Zheng Lun from within。 Thus attacked from three sides; soon Wang Han and Jiang Bin found the position untenable and fled。
When Jiang Wei saw that his left camp had been attacked on three sides; he mounted and took his position in front of the center camp。
〃Let no one move on pain of death!〃 he shouted。 〃Stand still。 When the enemy approaches; shoot!〃
The right camp was ordered to stand fast。 His defense was effective。 A dozen of times the troops of Wei came forward; only to be driven back before the arrows and bolts of the defenders。 Daylight found the Shu camps still firm; and the Wei troops drew off。
〃Jiang Wei has indeed learned of Zhuge Liang;〃 said Deng Ai。 〃His soldiers stood the night attack without flinching; and the leaders took the chances of battle quite calmly。 He is able。〃
Next day; when Wang Han and Jiang Bin went to confess their fault; Jiang Wei said; 〃It was less your fault than mine; for I did not clearly recognize the nature of the terrain。〃
So no penalty was inflicted。 The camp was made stronger; and the subterranean passage was filled with the bodies of the slain。
A challenge to battle for