第102部分(第4/7 頁)
Zhao Yun retook the road toward Long Slope Bridge。
But in his rear arose another tumultuous shouting; seeming to rend the very sky; and Wen Ping came up behind。 However; although the man was weary and his steed spent; Zhao Yun got close to the bridge where he saw standing; all ready for any fray; Zhang Fei。
〃Help me; Zhang Fei!〃 he cried and crossed the bridge。
〃Hasten!〃 cried Zhang Fei; 〃I will keep back the pursuers!〃
About seven miles from the bridge; Zhao Yun saw Liu Bei with his followers reposing in the shade of some trees。 He dismounted and drew near; weeping。 The tears also started to Liu Bei's eyes when he saw his faithful mander。
Still panting from his exertions; Zhao Yun gasped out; 〃My fault………death is too light a punishment。 Lady Mi was severely wounded。 She refused my horse and threw herself into a well。 She is dead; and all I could do was to fill in the well with the rubbish that lay around。 But I placed the babe in the breast of my fighting robe and have won my way out of the press of battle。 Thanks to the little lord's grand luck I have escaped。 At first he cried a good deal; but for some time now he has not stirred or made a sound。 I fear I may not have saved his life after all。〃
Then Zhao Yun opened his robe and looked: The child was fast asleep。
〃Happily; Sir; your son is unhurt;〃 said Zhao Yun as he drew him forth and presented him in both hands。
Liu Bei took the child but threw it aside angrily; saying; 〃To preserve that suckling I very nearly lost a great mander!〃
Zhao Yun picked up the child again and; weeping; said; 〃Were I ground to powder; I could not prove my gratitude。〃
From out Cao Cao's host a tiger rushed;
His wish but to destroy;
Though Liu Bei's consort