首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 霸權背後 > 第3部分

第3部分(第4/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 火影:從百分百完美虛化開始!入住黃金庭院後,愛莉拉我直播女扮男裝後,我被校花瘋狂表白風流短跑之神時空中的深情魯魯修凌駕於諸天凹凸世界:雷震之女網遊之熟女陪我上青雲穿越戀歌:上官與夏侯【HP】布萊克家族莫名其妙的異世界冒險英雄聯盟之玩家對戰強勢文化手冊特種兵張霄回村搞大事,被女學霸懂不懂ADCarry的含金量穿越王者:聊天室裡的英雄傳奇四合院之剝奪一切暗區突圍之黑金指揮官當原神照進現實家養輔助投餵指南[電競]

c Ideals and Reality; pp� 24142; 255; 25758; 26264�


Brooks Adams; The New Empire; New York; MacMillan Co; 1900�

William Appleman Williams; The Frontier Thesis and American Foreign Policy; in Henry W� Berger (ed�); A William Appleman Williams Reader; Chicago; Ivan R� Dee; 1992; pp� 9096�


Zbigniew Brzezinski; The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives; New York; Basic Books; 1997; pp� 3839�

Ibid�; p�40�

Sir Halford J� Mackinder; The Round World and the Winning of the Peace; Foreign Affairs; New York; Vol� 21; No� 4; July 1943; pp�597605�

Halford J� Mackinder; Democratic Ideals and Reality: A study in the politics of reconstruction; New York; Henry Holt & Co�; 1919; p� 150�

Zbigniew Brzezinski; Op� Cit�; pp� 3839�

Valentin M� Falin; Russia Would H*e Faced World War III Had it Not Stormed Berlin; Novosti Russian Information Agency; March 28; 2005; in en�rian�ru/rian/index�cfm?�

Michio Kaku and Daniel Axelrod; Op� Cit�; p�30�

Inderjeet Parmar;‘To Relate Knowledge and Action;’ The Impact of the Rockefeller Foundation on Foreign Policy Thinking During America�s Rise to Globali* 19391945; Minerva; Vol�40; Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2002�

Vladimir Putin; Rede des russischen Prⅲ黶identen Wladimir Putin auf der 43� Münchner ,Sicherheitskonferenz; München; 10�2�2007�



Cited in Der Spiegel; Europe Divided over US Missile Defense Plan; March 5; 2007; Spiegel Online; English in �spiegel�de�

Richard L� Garwin; Ballistic Missile Defense Deployment to Poland and the Czech Republic; A Talk to the Erice International Seminars; 38th Session; August 21; 2007; in �fas�org/RLG/�加文是美國高階防務專家。他揭露了美國政府在導彈政策的動機上的欺騙性質。他提出,“有沒有替代在捷克

