第7部分(第4/4 頁)
l� The author is indebted to Mowat’s groundbreaking research on the role of Emery; RAND and others in creating the Color Revolution model for USled regime coups in Eurasia�
� Ibid�
� Ibid�
� William Blum; Killing Hope: U�S� Military and CIA Interventions since World War II; Monroe;Maine; mon Courage Press; 1995�
� Steve Kangas; A Timeline of CIA Atrocities; accessed in �huppi�/kangaroo/CIAtimeline�html�
William Blum; Op� Cit�; p�259 discusses the CIA’s immunity from prosecution for crimes including assassination and bribery�
Ibid�; pp�7283�
Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett; Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangeli* in the Age of Oil; New York; HarperCollins; 1995; p� 256�
Jonathan Mowat; Op� Cit�
Eric Trist and Hugh Murray; The Social Engagement of Social Science—A T*istock Anthology: The Foundation and Development of the T*istock Institute to 1989; quoted in //everything2�/e2node/The%2520T*istock%2520Institute�
University of Michigan Institute for Social Research; Research Center for Group Dynamics; History; in //�rcgd�isr�umich�edu/history/�
有關中情局在1968年推翻戴高樂運動中所發揮作用的簡要背景,參見F� 威廉·恩道爾; 石油戰爭; Op� Cit�; pp� 124126� 中情局透過最初在斯特拉斯堡成立後來擴散到巴黎和法國其他地區的一個新左翼組織“情境畫家國際”,來操縱法國學生的“蜂擁”行動。即使有強大勢力的法國共產主義者貿易聯盟(CGT),也未能平息學生的造反。戴高樂因反對美國把持北約而被視為是前蘇聯的“朋友”。
Jonathan Mowat; Op� Cit�