第4部分(第6/7 頁)
r outside。〃
Unsmiling for once; Emmett nodded。 〃e on; Jasper。〃
Jasper struggled against Emmett's unbreakable grasp; twisting around; reaching
toward his brother with
his bared teeth; his eyes still past reason。
Edward's face was whiter than bone as he wheeled to crouch over me; taking a
clearly defensive
position。 A low warning growl slid from between his clenched teeth。 I could
tell that he wasn't breathing。
Rosalie; her divine face strangely smug; stepped in front of Jasper—keeping a
careful distance from his
teeth—and helped Emmett wrestle him through the glass door that Esme held
open; one hand pressed
over her mouth and nose。
Esme's heart…shaped face was ashamed。 〃I'm so sorry; Bella;〃 she cried as she
followed the others into
the yard。
〃Let me by; Edward;〃 Carlisle murmured。
A second passed; and then Edward nodded slowly and relaxed his stance。
Carlisle knelt beside me; leaning close to examine my arm。 I could feel the
shock frozen on my face; and
I tried to pose it。
〃Here; Carlisle;〃 Alice said; handing him a towel。
He shook his head。 〃Too much glass in the wound。〃 He reached over and ripped a
long; thin scrap from
the bottom of the white tablecloth。 He twisted it around my arm above the
elbow to form a tourniquet。
The smell of the blood was making me dizzy。 My ears rang。
〃Bella;〃 Carlisle said softly。 〃Do you want me to drive you to the hospital;
or would you like me to take
care of it here?〃
〃Here; please;〃 I whispered。 If he took me to the hospital; there would be no
way to keep this from
〃I'll get your bag;〃 Alice sa