首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第9部分

第9部分(第2/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊洪荒之最強抽獎足球風雲至尊穿越18歲,我成了CF高手流量型前鋒,復興慕尼黑1860網遊之我有一箭可弒神NBA:冠軍之王最強領主:我,天使與亡靈之主路法歸,遇端木!夢幻西遊:簽到打卡就能無敵NBA不良人遊戲女尊學長,你女朋友又任性了一天一模擬,硬控亂世一百年相赫啊,冠軍它會自己飛過來嗎?穿越心動小鎮:我帶兄弟當肝帝穿越00後動漫融合的世界網遊之大陸征服SAN值歸零後我成了高危BUG寶可夢真實文明:從不死族到太空死靈

 which have been written ofCyrus by Xenophon。 A wise prince ought to observe some such rules; andnever in peaceful times stand idle; but increase his resources withindustry in such a way that they may be available to him in adversity;so that if fortune changes it may find him prepared to resist her blows。CHAPTER XVCONCERNING THINGS FOR WHICH MEN; AND ESPECIALLY PRINCES; ARE PRAISED ORBLAMEDIT REMAINS now to see what ought to be the rules of conduct for a princetowards subject and friends。 And as I know that many have written onthis point; I expect I shall be considered presumptuous in mentioning itagain; especially as in discussing it I shall depart from the methods ofother people。 But; it being my intention to write a thing which shall beuseful to him who apprehends it; it appears to me more appropriate tofollow up the real truth of a matter than the imagination of it; formany have pictured republics and principalities which in fact have neverbeen known or seen; because how one lives is so far distant from how oneought to live; that he who neglects what is done for what ought to bedone; sooner effects his ruin than his preservation; for a man whowishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets withwhat destroys him among so much that is evil。Hence it is necessary for a prince wishing to hold his own to know howto do wrong; and to make use of it or not according to necessity。Therefore; putting on one side imaginary things concerning a prince; anddiscussing those which are real; I say that all men when they are spokenof; and chiefly princes for being more highly placed; are remarkable forsome of those qualities which bring them either blame or praise; andthus it is that one is reputed liberal; another miserly; using a Tuscanterm (because an avaricious pe

