首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第12部分

第12部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊洪荒之最強抽獎足球風雲至尊穿越18歲,我成了CF高手流量型前鋒,復興慕尼黑1860網遊之我有一箭可弒神NBA:冠軍之王最強領主:我,天使與亡靈之主路法歸,遇端木!夢幻西遊:簽到打卡就能無敵NBA不良人遊戲女尊學長,你女朋友又任性了一天一模擬,硬控亂世一百年相赫啊,冠軍它會自己飛過來嗎?穿越心動小鎮:我帶兄弟當肝帝穿越00後動漫融合的世界網遊之大陸征服SAN值歸零後我成了高危BUG寶可夢真實文明:從不死族到太空死靈

will; therefore; carefullyexamine the actions of this man will find him a most valiant lion and amost cunning fox; he will find him feared and respected by every one;and not hated by the army; and it need not be wondered at that he; thenew man; well; because his supreme renown always protected him from thathatred which the people might have conceived against him for hisviolence。But his son Antoninus was a most eminent man; and had very excellentqualities; which made him admirable in the sight of the people andacceptable to the soldiers; for he was a warlike man; most enduring offatigue; a despiser of all delicate food and other luxuries; whichcaused him to be beloved by the armies。 Nevertheless; his ferocity andcruelties were so great and so unheard of that; after endless singlemurders; he killed a large number of the people of Rome and all those ofAlexandria。 He became hated by the whole world; and also feared by thosehe had around him; to such an extent that he was murdered in the midstof his army by a centurion。 And here it must be noted that such…likedeaths; which are deliberately inflicted with a resolved and desperatecourage; cannot be avoided by princes; because any one who does not fearto die can inflict them; but a prince may fear them the less becausethey are very rare; he has only to be careful not to do any grave injuryto those whom he employs or has around him in the service of the state。Antoninus had not taken this care; but had contumeliously killed abrother of that centurion; whom also he daily threatened; yet retainedin his bodyguard; which; as it turned out; was a rash thing to do; andproved the emperor's ruin。But let us e to modus; to whom it should have been very easy tohold the empire; for; being the son of Marcus; he had inherited it; andhe had
