首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第13部分

第13部分(第3/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊:魅力值點太高,怪看我的眼神有點不對為了實習證明向魔王發起衝鋒王者:兩局遊戲榮登出生榜榜首我是大明星校園電競:這座城市的王者誕生網遊洪荒之最強抽獎足球風雲至尊穿越18歲,我成了CF高手流量型前鋒,復興慕尼黑1860網遊之我有一箭可弒神NBA:冠軍之王最強領主:我,天使與亡靈之主路法歸,遇端木!夢幻西遊:簽到打卡就能無敵NBA不良人遊戲女尊學長,你女朋友又任性了一天一模擬,硬控亂世一百年相赫啊,冠軍它會自己飛過來嗎?穿越心動小鎮:我帶兄弟當肝帝

ample。 We have in our time Ferdinand of Aragon; the presentKing of Spain。 He can almost be called a new prince; because he hasrisen; by fame and glory; from being an insignificant king to be theforemost king in Christendom; and if you will consider his deeds youwill find them all great and some of them extraordinary。 In thebeginning of his reign he attacked Granada; and this enterprise was thefoundation of his dominions。 He did this quietly at first and withoutany fear of hindrance; for he held the minds of the barons of Castileoccupied in thinking of the war and not anticipating any innovations;thus they did not perceive that by these means he was acquiring powerand authority over them。 He was able with the money of the Church and ofthe people to sustain his armies; and by that long war to lay thefoundation for the military skill which has since distinguished him。Further; always using religion as a plea; so as to undertake greaterschemes; he devoted himself with a pious cruelty to driving out andclearing his kingdom of the Moors; nor could there be a more admirableexample; nor one more rare。 Under this same cloak he assailed Africa; hecame down on Italy; he has finally attacked France; and thus hisachievements and designs have always been great; and have kept the mindsof his people in suspense and admiration and occupied with the issue ofthem。 And his actions have arisen in such a way; one out of the other;that men have never been given time to work steadily against him。Again; it much assists a prince to set unusual examples in internalaffairs; similar to those which are related of Messer Bernabo da Milano;who; when he had the opportunity; by any one in civil life doing someextraordinary thing; either good or bad; would take some method ofrewarding or punishing him; wh

