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be turned to the advantageof the subjects。 The badly employed are those which; notwithstandingthey may be few in the mencement; multiply with time rather thandecrease。 Those who practise the first system are able; by aid of God orman; to mitigate in some degree their rule; as Agathocles did。 It isimpossible for those who follow the other to maintain themselves。Hence it is to be remarked that; in seizing a state; the usurper oughtto examine closely into all those injuries which it is necessary for himto inflict; and to do them all at one stroke so as not to have to repeatthem daily; and thus by not unsettling men he will be able to reassurethem; and win them to himself by benefits。 He who does otherwise; eitherfrom timidity or evil advice; is always pelled to keep the knife inhis hand; neither can he rely on his subjects; nor can they attachthemselves to him; owing to their continued and repeated wrongs。 Forinjuries ought to be done all at one time; so that; being tasted less;they offend less; benefits ought to be given little by little; so thatthe flavour of them may last longer。And above all things; a prince ought to live amongst his people in sucha way that no unexpected circumstances; whether of good or evil; shallmake him change; because if the necessity for this es in troubledtimes; you are too late for harsh measures; and mild ones will not helpyou; for they will be considered as forced from you; and no one will beunder any obligation to you for them。CHAPTER IXCONCERNING A CIVIL PRINCIPALITYBUT ing to the other point …… where a leading citizen bees theprince of his country; not by wickedness or any intolerable violence;but by the favour of his fellow citizens …… this may be called a civilprincipality: nor is genius or fortune altogether necessary to attain toit;