首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第5部分

第5部分(第3/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 十日終焉凡塵領域穿書:炮灰他要頂不住了凰臨天下:重生之謀權為後成為黑暗四天王致力於幹掉四聖獸武俠網遊:比武穆念慈,黃蓉急了是勇者就上1000層網遊:禍亂江湖王者:月光啊,閃爆他們!熱血傳奇之全職業精通現代童話還散樓之幻境奇緣感謝現役之萬丈榮光海島求生,開啟簡易模式森林深處的星光:居某的睡前故事重生做教練:我有實況無敵艦隊李鉄重生,帶領曼聯大殺四方原神:丘丘人,但是成為冒險家網遊:無敵,從合成萬物開始開局覺醒毒仙體,整個新手村炸了彈丸論破2之交織協奏曲

led all the senators andthe richest of the people; these dead; he seized and held the princedomof that city without any civil motion。 And although he was twicerouted by the Carthaginians; and ultimately besieged; yet not only washe able to defend his city; but leaving part of his men for its defence;with the others he attacked Africa; and in a short time raised the siegeof Syracuse。 The Carthaginians; reduced to extreme necessity; werepelled to e to terms with Agathocles; and; leaving Sicily to him;had to be content with the possession of Africa。Therefore; he who considers the actions and the genius of this man willsee nothing; or little; which can be attributed to fortune; inasmuch ashe attained pre…eminence; as is shown above; not by the favour of anyone; but step by step in the military profession; which steps weregained with a thousand troubles and perils; and were afterwards boldlyheld by him with many hazards and dangers。 Yet it cannot be calledtalent to slay fellow…citizens; to deceive friends; to be without faith;without mercy; without religion; such methods may gain empire; but notglory。 Still; if the courage of Agathocles in entering into andextricating himself from dangers be considered; together with hisgreatness of mind in enduring overing hardships; it cannot be seenwhy he should be esteemed less than the most notable captain。Nevertheless; his barbarous cruelty and inhumanity with infinitewickednesses do not permit him to be celebrated among the most excellentmen。 What he achieved cannot be attributed either to fortune or togenius。In our times; during the rule of Alexander VI; Oliverotto da Fermo;having been left an orphan many years before; was brought up by hismaternal uncle; Giovanni Fogliani; and in the early days of his youthsent to fight under Paolo 

