首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第5部分

第5部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 現代童話還散樓之幻境奇緣感謝現役之萬丈榮光海島求生,開啟簡易模式森林深處的星光:居某的睡前故事重生做教練:我有實況無敵艦隊李鉄重生,帶領曼聯大殺四方原神:丘丘人,但是成為冒險家網遊:無敵,從合成萬物開始開局覺醒毒仙體,整個新手村炸了彈丸論破2之交織協奏曲神之舞擬真世界,我玩重甲神級遊走:系統逼我打王者直播遊戲唯一指定玩家做遊戲的女王擺爛玩網遊,賺不到錢就修仙傳奇世界:映照現實,技能具現網遊:我的速度趕超神明穿越異界:我的雙眼能解析萬物

fty spirit andfar…reaching aims; could not have regulated his conduct otherwise; andonly the shortness of the life of Alexander and his own sicknessfrustrated his designs。 Therefore; he who considers it necessary tosecure himself in his new principality; to win friends; to overeeither by force or fraud; to make himself beloved and feared by thepeople; to be followed and revered by the soldiers; to exterminate thosewho have power or reason to hurt him; to change the old order of thingsfor new; to be severe and gracious; magnanimous and liberal; to destroya disloyal soldiery and to create new; to maintain friendship with kingsand princes in such a way that they must help him with zeal and offendwith caution; cannot find a more lively example than the actions of thisman。Only can he be blamed for the election of Julius II; in whom he made abad choice; because; as is said; not being able to elect a Pope to hisown mind; he could have hindered any other from being elected Pope; andhe ought never to have consented to the election of any cardinal whom hehad injured or who had cause to fear him if they became pontiffs。 Formen injure either from fear or hatred。 Those whom he had injured;amongst others; were San Pietro ad Vincula; Colonna; San Giorgio; andAscanio。 '1' Any one of the others; on being Pope; would have had tofear him; Rouen and the Spaniards excepted; the latter from theirrelationship and obligations; the former from his influence; the kingdomof France having relations with him。 Therefore; above everything; theduke ought to have created a Spaniard Pope; and; failing him; he oughtto have consented to Rouen and not San Pietro ad Vincula。 He whobelieves that new benefits will cause great personages to forget oldinjuries is deceived。 Therefore; the duke erred in his c
