第2部分(第5/7 頁)
called …… in Italian …… from the duchy of Valentinois; conferredon him by Louis XII。CHAPTER IVWHY THE KINGDOM OF DARIUS; CONQUERED BY ALEXANDER; DID NOT REBEL AGAINSTTHE SUCCESSORS OF ALEXANDER AT HIS DEATHCONSIDERING the difficulties which men have had to hold a neight wonder how; seeing that Alexander the Great became themaster of Asia in a few years; and died whilst it was yet scarcelysettled (whence it might appear reasonable that the whole empire wouldhave rebelled); nevertheless his successors maintained themselves; andhad to meet no other difficulty than that which arose among themselvesfrom their own ambitions。I answer that the principalities of which one has record are found to begoverned in two different ways: either by a prince; with a body ofservants; who assist him to govern the kingdom as ministers by hisfavour and permission; or by a prince and barons; who hold that dignityby antiquity of blood and not by the grace of the prince。 Such baronshave states and their own subjects; who recognize them as lords and holdthem in natural affection。 Those states that are governed by a princeand his servants hold their prince in more consideration; because in allthe country there is no one who is recognized as superior to him; and ifthey yield obedience to another they do it as to a minister andofficial; and they do not bear him any particular affection。The examples of these two governments in our time are the Turk and theKing of France。 The entire monarchy of the Turk is governed by one lord;the others are his servants; and; dividing his kingdom into sanjaks; hesends there different administrators; and shifts and changes them as hechooses。 But the King of France is placed in the midst of an ancientbody of lords; acknowledged by their own subjects; and beloved by them