第3部分(第2/7 頁)
ligarchy which will keep it friendly to you。 Because such a government;being created by the prince; knows that it cannot stand without hisfriendship and interest; and does its utmost to support him; andtherefore he who would keep a city accustomed to freedom will hold itmore easily by the means of its own citizens than in any other way。There are; for example; the Spartans and the Romans。 The Spartans heldAthens and Thebes; establishing there an oligarchy; nevertheless theylost them。 The Romans; in order to hold Capua; Carthage; and Numantia;dismantled them; and did not lose them。 They wished to hold Greece asthe Spartans held it; making it free and permitting its laws; and didnot succeed。 So to hold it they were pelled to dismantle many citiesin the country; for in truth there is no safe way to retain themotherwise than by ruining them。 And he who bees master of a cityaccustomed to freedom and does not destroy it; may expect to bedestroyed by it; for in rebellion it has always the watch…word ofliberty and its ancient privileges as a rallying point; which neithertime nor benefits will ever cause it to forget。 And what ever you may door provide against; they never forget that name or their privilegesunless they are disunited or dispersed but at every chance theyimmediately rally to them; as Pisa after the hundred years she had beenheld in bondage by the Florentines。But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince; andhis family is exterminated; they; being on the one hand accustomed toobey and on the other hand not having the old prince; cannot agree inmaking one from amongst themselves; and they do not know how to governthemselves。 For this reason they are very slow to take up arms; and aprince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily。