第6部分(第5/7 頁)
in the way stated above; and to be oftenrepeated; will never be attacked without great caution; for men arealways adverse to enterprises where difficulties can be seen; and itwill be seen not to be an easy thing to attack one who has his town wellfortified; and is not hated by his people。The cities of Germany are absolutely free; they own but little countryaround them; and they yield obedience to the emperor when it suits them;nor do they fear this or any other power they may have near them;because they are fortified in such a way that every one thinks thetaking of them by assault would be tedious and difficult; seeing theyhave proper ditches and walls; they have sufficient artillery; and theyalways keep in public depots enough for one year's eating; drinking; andfiring。 And beyond this; to keep the people quiet and without loss tothe state; they always have the means of giving work to the munity inthose labours that are the life and strength of the city; and on thepursuit of which the people are supported; they also hold militaryexercises in repute; and moreover have many ordinances to uphold them。Therefore; a prince who has a strong city; and had not made himselfodious; will not be attacked; or if any one should attack he will onlybe driven off with disgrace; again; because that affairs of this worldare so changeable; it is almost impossible to keep an army a whole yearin the field without being interfered with。 And whoever should reply: Ifthe people have property outside the city; and see it burnt; they willnot remain patient; and the long siege and self…interest will make themforget their prince; to this I answer that a powerful and courageousprince will overe all such difficulties by giving at one time hope tohis subjects that the evil will not be for long; at anot