首頁 > 遊戲競技 > the world i live in-海倫·凱勒自傳(英文版) > 第11部分

第11部分(第7/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 凹凸世界:雷震之女網遊之熟女陪我上青雲穿越戀歌:上官與夏侯【HP】布萊克家族莫名其妙的異世界冒險英雄聯盟之玩家對戰強勢文化手冊特種兵張霄回村搞大事,被女學霸懂不懂ADCarry的含金量穿越王者:聊天室裡的英雄傳奇四合院之剝奪一切暗區突圍之黑金指揮官當原神照進現實家養輔助投餵指南[電競]殺神快跑,你物件玩狙的在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世CS2:變妹後站上世界之巔

efreshment in sleep; while the mind; like a

barque without rudder or pass; drifts aimlessly upon an uncharted

sea。 But curiously enough; these fantasies and inter…twistings of

thought are to be found in great imaginative poems like Spenser's 〃Faerie

Queene。〃 Lamb was impressed by the analogy between our dream…thinking

and the work of the imagination。 Speaking of the episode in the cave of

Mammon; Lamb wrote:

〃It is not enough to say that the whole episode is a copy of the mind's

conceptions in sleep; it is……in some sort; but what a copy! Let the most

romantic of us that has been entertained all night with the spectacle of

some wild and magnificent vision; re…bine it in the morning and try

it by his waking judgment。 That which appeared so shifting and yet so

coherent; when it came under cool examination; shall appear so

reasonless and so unlinked; that we are ashamed to have been so deluded;

and to have taken; though but in sleep; a monster for a god。 The

transitions in this episode are every whit as violent as in the most

extravagant dream; and yet the waking judgment ratifies them。〃

Perhaps I feel more than others the analogy between the world of our

waking life and the world of dreams because before I was taught; I lived

in a sort of perpetual dream。 The testimony of parents and friends who

watched me day a

