第7部分(第6/7 頁)
one of them hadever loved a nigger。 He; John; was a nigger; and he would find out; as soon as he got a little older;how evil white people could be。 John had read about the things white people did to colored people;how; in the South; where his parents came from; white people cheated them of their wages; andburned them; and shot them—and did worse things; said his father; which the tongue could notendure to utter。 He had read about colored men being burned in the electric chair for things theyhad not done; how in riots they were beaten with clubs; how they were tortured in prisons; howthey were the last to be hired and the first to be fired。 Niggers did not live on these streets whereJohn now walked; it was forbidden; and yet he walked here; and no one raised a hand against him。
But did he dare to enter this shop out of which a woman now casually walked; carrying a greatround box? Or this apartment before which a white man stood; dressed in a brilliant uniform? John knew he did not dare; not to…day; and he heard his father’s laugh: ‘No; nor to…morrow neither!’ Forhim there was the back door; and the dark stairs; and the kitchen or the basement。 This world wasnot for him。 If he refused to believe; and wanted to break his neck trying; then he could try untilthe sun refused to shine; they would never let him enter。 In John’s mind then; the people and theavenue underwent a change; and he feared them and knew that one day he could hate them if Goddid not change his heart。
He left Fifth Avenue and walked west toward the movie houses。 Here on 42nd Street it wasless elegant but not less strange。 He loved this street; not for the people or the shops but for thestone lions that guarded the great main building of the Public Library; a building filled with bookand unim