第14部分(第4/7 頁)
mes; leaning over the cracked; ‘tattle…tale gray’ bath…tub; he scrubbed his father’s back; and looked; as the accursed son of Noahhad looked; on his father’s hideous nakedness。 It was secret; like sin; and slimy; like the serpent;and heavy; like the rod。 Then he hated his father; and longed for the power to cut his father down。
Was this why he lay here; thrust out from all human or heavenly help to…night? This; andnot the other; his deadly sin; having looked on his father’s nakedness and mocked and cursed himin his heart? Ah; that son of Noah’s had been cursed; down to the present groaning generation: Aservant of servants shall be unto his brethren。
Then the ironic voice; terrified; it seemed; of no depth; no darkness; demanded of John;scornfully; if he believed that he was cursed。 All niggers had been cursed; the ironic voicereminded him; all niggers had e from this most undutiful of Noah’s sons。 How could John becursed for having seen in a bath…tub what another man—if that other man had ever lived—had seenten thousand years ago; lying in an open tent? Could a curse e down so many ages? Did it livein time; or in the moment? But John found no answer for this voice; for he was in the moment; andout of time。
And his father approached。 ‘I’m going to beat sin out of him。 I’m going to beat it out。’ Allthe darkness rocked and wailed as his father’s feet came closer; feet whose tread resounded likeGod’s tread in the garden of Eden; searching the covered Adam and Eve。 Then his father stood justabove him; looking down。 Then John knew that a curse was renewed from moment to moment;from father to son。 Time was indifferent; like snow and ice; but the heart; crazed wanderer in thedriving waste; carried the curse for ever。
‘John;’ said his father; ‘e with